Junius F. Baird Family Cemetery
Located on the west side of Baird Rd. (Route 668), approx. 0.25 mi. north of the North Carolina state line. It sits in a small grove of cedar trees behind the old Baird homeplace. |
Latitude: | 36º 32' 49.5" N (36.547083) |
Longitude: | 77º 53' 25.6" W (-77.890444) |
Transcribed: | 2008 |
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Junius Franklin Baird | April 1858 — | 17 May 1932 | |
Mary “Mammie” Gladys Baird | 29 Aug 1875 — | | |
In 1920 Junius, age 61, was resding in Powellton District with sons Luther, age 23, and Fred Jr., age 21, Family 160.
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There are 8 graves in this cemetery all of which are marked with field stones only. There are no inscribed markers. The information regarding the 2 people denoted above was obtained from a relative who lived on the property. |
According to Civil War Soldiers from Brunswick County, Virginia, Junius F. Baird married a cousin Mary V. Baird and they were the parents of Luther Baird who married Mary Modie Bowen, CWS f BCV, p. 48. |
According to an individual who lived on the property, the other 6 graves contain the remains of infant children of Luther and Mary. He further stated that although Luther was buried here, his remains were moved to Pleasant Hill Christian Church Cemetery when his wife, Mary, died. |
© Copyright John W. Pritchett