Stainback Family Cemetery
Located on the east side of Little Deer Rd. (Route 644), approx. 0.5 mi. south of Lew Jones Rd. (Route 616). It sits in the center of a large open field, in a small grove of trees, almost 150 yd. from the road. Although it contains only two inscribed stones, depressions and fieldstone markers indicate other graves.
Latitude:36º 55' 11.2" N   (36.919778)
Longitude:77º 55' 28.9" W   (-77.924694)

Wm. R. Stainback —22 Aug 1876Died Aug 22, 1876
Aged 58 years
Mary C. Stainback —30 Aug 1902Died Aug 30, 1902
Aged 77 years
Death is the growth of Life
This stone is an oblisk abut 5 ft tall with a small stone on each side. One reads “Mother” and the other “Father”. Stainback family researchers have been unable to confirm that William's middle name was 'Ruric.' Additionally, although a document prepared in the 1930s by William's great-grandson and genealogist Dr. Arthur H. Stainback indicates that he was William Richard Stainback, no where does he reveal the source of that information.
William Ruric Stainback married Mary Caroline Mason, CWS f BCV, pp. 358, 521, 523.

Lucy A. Harrison —15 Feb 1887Wife of
G.L. Harrison
Died Feb 15, 1887
Aged 30 years
In after time, we'll meet her
Lucy Alice Stainback, daughter of William and Mary Stainback, married George Littleton Harrison, CWS f BCV, p. 521.


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